Sertan A. Ayhan (1978 – – 2014 ) Professional Summary
Started working in Ankara at the Ministry of İnterior as an inspector.
Started as an auditor for the Turkish Court of Accounts (Sayıştay). Where he undertook the position of auditing the Government Ministries, Turkish Embassies, and also the Turkish Armed Forces.
Moved to İzmir and took place in the establishment of Tek Manyetik Sanayi ve
Tic. A.Ş.. This company later changed its name and became “RAKS Elektonik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.‘’. RAKS eventually became Europe’s Largest and the worlds 3 largest Magnetic Media, Audio, Video, CD, DVD manufacturer.
Established RAKS Elektirkli Ev Aletleri Sanayi ve Tic A.Ş. ( Manufacturing Household Appliences )
Established Rapak Ambalaaj Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Print House for packaging needs of RAKS group companies)
Established Raks Dış Ticaret A.Ş. ( International marketing company for RAKS group companies)
Established RAKS Elektronic GmbH in München Germany.
Took place as a ‘Consultant’ with the T.C. Culture Ministry at the Turkish National Assembly during discussion involving the Radio Television Copyright and Royalty Laws.
Established Turkey’s first Franchise Chainstore ‘RAKSOTEK’ .
Established Azerbaycan’s first Private Owned Radio Station and Recording Studio ‘’ Bakı-Raks ‘’ in the city of BAKU
Commisioned a detailed study of the NYSE and TOKYO Stock Exchange. In result established a broker firm named KAZANÇ Menkul Değerler A.Ş. . With offices in the 3 major cities of Turkey; Izmir, Ankara and Istanbul Served as Chairman and General manager of KAZANÇ A.Ş. for 3 years.
1988- 1989
At this point the total turnover of the Raks group companies had reached over
1.3 Billion USD
Established 6 Television channels and 8 Radio stations and took position as the Chairman of all these establishments. These Are;
NumberOne TV
Discovery Channel
History Channel
Fashion TV
Genç TV
Karadeniz TV
Established RAKS Müzik Yapım A.Ş. in Istanbul. By contracting music artists, In 1 years time was able to accomplish the first music album market in Turkey
Established Turkey’s most modern and high tech recording studio ‘’Marşandiz Ltd. Şti. ‘’ (www.
Entered the government bid for Turk Telekom ‘’WLL-Wireless Local Loop’’ project together with American DSC Comunication.
Openned and launched to the public 2 of the RAKS group Companies on the
Istanbul Stock Exchange. ,
Raks Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and
Raks Ev Aletleri Sanayi
By the end of the same year Raks Elektronik San. Tic. A.Ş. Shares where being processed on the NYSE, NASDAQ markets with the “ADR” code
Took place as a charter member and one of the founders of MÜ-YAP (Müzik
Yapımcıları Meslek Birliği) ( Professional Producers Associaiton). Took position as supervision board member for 3 years
Established RSS – Raks Savunma Sanayi A.Ş. ( RAKS Defence Industry). Took position as Chairman of the Board .
Signed an OFFSET agreement with The Boeing Company in the value of 500 Million USD in the frameworks of Industrial Participation Programs for the ‘’ Airbone Early warning and Communication (AEW&C) Systems
Project ‘’
Signed contracts with Turaya (Satellite Communication Co., Etisalat (GSM Operator) and Saif Group located in Dubai and Abudabi for The Boeing Company’s Offset oblication to the UAE ( United Arab Emirates) in the amount of 2,5 Billion USD.
Established RAKS GULF Company together in partnership with SAIF GROUP in the Dubai Free Zone.
Signed Offset agreement regarding United Technologies (Sikorsky)
Offset obligations for the “Sea Hawk ve Black Hawk” helicopters sales to the Turkish Government. ( Obligation of 300 Million USD )
Signed contracts regarding Offset agreements with GE Trading, Continental Edison, Giat Industries and WallMart .
Signed contract with “IP2- Industrial Participation Projects LLC” in referance to USA Offset obligation of 300 million USD in Venezuella, Philippines, Brazil, Nigeria.
Represented In Turkey the following Companies : “Page Iberica” (Spain)
“ EMS Satcom” (Canada) , “Kongsberg Seatex’’ ( Norvegian) , “Lucent Technologies” (USA), “ Tadiran” (Israel) , “ BVR” (Israel).
Installed and Commissioned RCC Radyo Stations for the Cyprus Coast
Line. ( Government Bid)
Upon the request of the maritime undersecretary of the Turkish Rep. the installation and commissioning of the “Otomatic Identification System” of the OTC transponders project was completed.
The upgrade of the “Voice Communication Systems” of the Turkish
Airports institution has been completed
Finalized the sale of 4 of our music production companies of Raks Müzik Yapım A.Ş. to Universal Music Company.
Established a partnership with the Doğan Group to open “D&R” chairstores. ( Music and Book Store ). Took place as a board menber in D&R Chain Stores.
Executed the first sale of a Television Station in Turkey.
Sold 2 television stations from the RAKS Group.
o Erya Yayıncılık A.Ş. “BRT Television- National Licence” at 44.5 million USD. o Tek Yayıncılık A.Ş. “ Ulusal TV – Regional Licence” at 16 million USD.
Together with the global economical crisis and later with the annoncement of moratorium at SSCB a financial crisis hit the RAKS Group and all of its 48 subsidarry companies.
My team and I lead series of agreements with 16 bank Simultaneously to arrange financial stability for the group.
At that time Raks Group was accomplishing 250 Million USD in annual export with a total turnover of 850 million USD annually.
For over 22 years that I have spent in the RAKS group (RAKS Holding) . I have taken part as a share holder, board member, general koordinator and also as Chairman of 28 of the subsidary companies with in the RAKS HOLDING group. I have represetned the RAKS HOLDING Group at the highest level on all local and international agreement and contracts. I have served as the sole responsable of all jurisprudence problems, local government relation, finance issues, investment projects in the RAKS Group
In 2006 I have resigned from my position as Executive Vice Chairman of RAKS HOLDING and have decided to continue on my own :
At this moment I am a major share holder and /or sole right of signature for the following Media companies.
Genç Tv,
Lounge FM,
Marşandiz stüyoları,
Raks Müzik Prodüksiyonları Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Note: I also have interest in other Media companies where I am not a major share holder. If requested I can also send detailed information on my other involvments.
Also a study for a new television channel is in progress ::
Projects: Luxury Media Group
The Global Luxury TV
Luxury Lounge Radio
Luxury Magazine
Luxury Diamond Club
Luxury Diamond Card
Luxury Properties
Luxury Bars
Luxury Marketplace
Luxury Travel
Eurasia Broadcasting Music TV,
Satellite radio,
EMC Group
Entertainment Media Communication Grop.
RAMSAV ( Raks Music Culture and Art Academic Foundation) Founder
Empire Entertainment İnc. (entertainment production agency)
– Experience in concept development, design, talent acquisition, production and media
Eurasia Media Association
PTT- Posta sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı / President